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1,000+ Live CLE
Only $395yr
Including all formats:
Live, self-study, and Live Replays
Every program, every month, all year long, one low price.

Over 30 Practices Areas
Multiple legal practice areas with expert analysis & insights.

State Specific Webinars
Hundreds of state specific webinars covering state specific issues.

Speciality MCLE Credits
Ethics, professionalism, and other specialty credits are all included.

Hot Legal Topics and New Laws
CLEs covering new laws and hot legal topics produced monthly.
We seek accreditation in all states, accreditation status is shown by state for each CLE webinar. Additionally, we report CLE attendance to all state bars with CLE reporting requirements by CLE providers.

Live Webinars. Live webinars in real time, set at a specific date & time with Q&A.

Live On-Demand Webinars. Recorded webinars available 24/7 for self-study.

Live On-Demand Webinars. Recorded webinars available 24/7 for self-study.