Alabama CLE Requirements
CLE requirements for Alabama attorneys.
Required credits
Alabama attorneys are required to earn 12 credits, including 1 Ethics credit per year.
Self-Study/On-Demand credits
Alabama attorneys are limited to (6) hours of on-demand CLE credits. The remaining hours must be earned via live CLE events or live-streamed online webinars.
Additional information
For additional information, please see the FAQ page on the Alabama State Bar MCLE website.
Alabama CLE requirements for Newly-Admitted Attorneys
Alabama’s MCLE Rule 9 requires newly admitted attorneys to complete a 3-hour course in professionalism. This will count towards the general 12-hour annual CLE requirement. In even-numbered years, the seminar will be administered by CLEAlabama, and in odd-numbered years, the seminar will be administered by Cumberland School of Law.
Please make sure to check the state bar’s website to learn more about the specific requirements for newly-admitted Alabama attorneys.